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Family Foraging Bundle

Following the three main seasonal peak dates in the foraging calendar offers a good foundational understanding of the best times to focus on spring greens, flowers and berries for food and medicine. Learning when each wild plant is in it's prime to harvest alongside multiple recipes and uses. Seeing the plants through all of their life stages offers a greater understanding of basic botany and provides more opportunity for precise identification. Coming along to all three of these seasonal workshops would allow you to feel confident in harvesting wild plants, seeds and berries to provide nutrient rich and healing foods and medicines that can be used each year for your families wellbeing. Enjoying these workshops with your child allows for a deeper connection for you both to the natural world around you, making all your future walks turn into a great plant treasure hunt, bringing alchemy into your kitchen with seasonal potions brewing and learning how to be more self sufficient with your health and wellbeing through the wild weeds around you. Come along and share in the excitement of what foraging brings, alongside other like minded families. Nature based games and fire lighting skills are also included in the flow of the day. Basic botany and other handouts will be emailed to all participants after

3 Workshops

Spring Saturday 21st May 2022
Summer Saturday 2nd July 2022
Autumn Saturday 10th September 2022

1 adult + 1 child £175.50 (full cost £195 - offering 10% discount)

Email to request additional kids/adults attending to and pay cash on the day.

May 7

Mid-Spring Wild Medicine & foraging full day

May 21

Spring Family Foraging day